The magazine of international economic policy.

From the Summer 2009 issue

An American Lost Decade?

Is America economically headed for a 1990s-style Japanese “lost decade” of stagnant growth?

A symposium of views.

American Hangover

Unless income rises, the ongoing consumer debt reduction could cripple the recovery.

By Martin N. Baily and Susan Lund

Keynes Was No Socialist

A review of Robert Skidelsky’s Keynes: The Return of the Master.

By Samuel Brittan

The Global Recovery’s Soft Underbelly

How sweet crude could rise to $200 per barrel, dooming the recovery.

By Philip K. Verleger, Jr.

The Inflation Threat

Unlikely for the developed world, but highly probable for China.

By Chi Lo

War of the Worlds

Reforming world financial regulation is about to get nasty. Berlin, call your office!

By Klaus C. Engelen

The Bank Crisis Is Not Over

And muddling through is no answer.

By Hans-Werner Sinn

Cap-and-Trade Protectionism

The danger of offsetting tariffs that could doom the global trading system.

By Martin Feldstein

Time for Plan B?

Wasn’t the key to restoring the credit markets eliminating the banks’ toxic assets?

By Michael Boskin

Thumbs Down on the Common Bond

Countries like France and Germany would pay higher interest rates.

By Otmar Issing

The Baltics Experiment

The broader implications for the European Central Bank.

By Barry Wood

Europe’s Challenge

Will the reform process resume once recovery begins?

By Kenneth Rogoff

Sympathy for Greenspan?

By J. Bradford DeLong

Peasant Farm Renaissance

If done correctly, we are close to a historic breakthrough in the fight against hunger.

By Jeffrey D. Sachs

The American “Relos”

In the global economy, the new reality is moving to a new job in a new city—every two or three years.

By Peter Kilborn