The magazine of international economic policy.

From the Winter 2007 issue

Free Trade Blues

Labor-oriented Democrats take on the Clintonian triangulators.

By Jeff Faux

How Wall Street Controls Oil

And how OPEC will be the fall guy for $90 oil.

By Philip K. Verleger, Jr.

Is the World Becoming Immune from America?

Historically, U.S. slowdowns and recessions have led to global slowdowns and recessions. Is that still true today? Two dozen experts share their thoughts on a question with serious implications for the future of globalization.

A symposium of views

Scaremongering, Inc.

Poor forecasts from the false prophets of gloom and doom.

By Robert Novak

Cry for Latin America

Those narrow sovereign debt spreads and booming stock markets have been a mirage.

By Desmond Lachman

The Broom of Titoism

How developing nations are compensating for weak labor markets.

By Steve H. Hanke

Weak Yen Conundrum

Why Japanese households love foreign financial assets.

By Tadashi Nakamae

The ECB’s Curious Money Fixation

The latest on Europe’s campaign to cement monetary growth to monetary policy.

By Wolfgang Münchau

Wisdom from the Graybeards

Hannes Androsch, former Austrian finance minister and head of Creditanstalt-Bankverein, and now industrialist and entrepreneur, tells it as only a wily European policy veteran can.

A TIE exclusive interview.

The Bush Economy

TIE sat down with Richard Clarida, the Bush Treasury’s former point man for economic policy, for some frank talk on deficits, rate spreads, and inflation risks. Here’s how he answered our questions.

Fannie and Freddie Post-Election

The significance of the Democratic victories.

By Owen Ullmann